Primarius University


Online Classes

Primarius University is an ongoing series of virtual classes that focus on specific features. These sessions are opportunities for both new and existing users to learn about different parts of the system and the various ways they can be utilized within a food bank.

Unless stated otherwise, all classes cover features and functionality within P2.

Please note: These sessions are recorded to be shared with the rest of the community for training purposes. Out of respect for all participants, each attendee's microphones will be muted for the class, outside of any designated Q & A sections.

Class Schedule

System Setups

Monday, February 3, 2025

We will review the Primarius 2 main system setups, which determine the rules and guidelines for how your organization would like the system to operate. The sections covered in this class include access roles, system users, general setup, PWW setup, system element setups (as known as the drop-down selections), and schedulable resources.

A Microsoft TEAMS invitation will be sent to you the morning of the class.

Product Maintenance & Categories

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

How to add a new product, copy a product, set value and cost on a product record instead of by receipt, working with mixed product, adding allergen information, setting up default warehouse locations and service fee levels.

A Microsoft TEAMS invitation will be sent to you the morning of the class.

Donors and Vendors

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

How to add new Donors and Vendors, the difference between a Donor and a Vendor, default Originations, adding Contacts and Addresses and the linked information for each Donor and Vendor record. .

A Microsoft TEAMS invitation will be sent to you the morning of the class.

Agency Maintenance

Thursday, February 6, 2025

How to add a new agency record or copy an existing record, adding contacts and addresses, designating logins for PWW, setting sizes that work with Agency Product Limits, setting credit limits and ordering defaults, tracking hours of operation, assigning Product Categories and reviewing all of the linked information to each record. .

A Microsoft TEAMS invitation will be sent to you the morning of the class.

Prereceipt, Receipt and Debit Memo

Friday, February 7, 2025

Explanation of the Prereceipts, Receipts and Debit Memos and when they should be used. How to create and complete a new Prereceipt, turning a Prereceipt into a Receipt, adjusting a Receipt, Confirming a Receipt and creating a Debit Memo. .

A Microsoft TEAMS invitation will be sent to you the morning of the class.

Order Processing and Warehouse Transfer

Monday, February 10, 2025

There are several ways Orders can be utilized in P2. This session will focus on manually creating Orders and processing these orders from Data Entry to Confirm. This session will also look at the Warehouse Transfer function due to its process similarity to creating Orders. .

A Microsoft TEAMS invitation will be sent to you the morning of the class.

Cash Receipts/Payments and Deposits

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

This session covers general setups that will help you with basic accounting process, how to create a new cash receipt/Payment, how to apply Payments to orders or auto-apply to agency accounts and how to create Deposits.

A Microsoft TEAMS invitation will be sent to you the morning of the class.

Internal Programs,

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

This session provides a quick overview of necessary setups for some of the Internal Programs processes. During the session we will demonstrate Routes for Retail Pick-up, Food Rescue and Mobile Pantry processes. We will also look at Food Box builds from Scratch and using the Bill of Materials (BOM) function. .

A Microsoft TEAMS invitation will be sent to you the morning of the class.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Review of the difference between Analytical, System and User Reports. We will also look at custom report building, Excel Pivot Tables and adding reports to PWW for agencies to run and access on their own.

A Microsoft TEAMS invitation will be sent to you the morning of the class.

Web Window (PWW)

Friday, February 14, 2025

This session will cover the complete setup and functionality of the Web Window (PWW) or sometimes referred to as the Agency Portal by food banks. Topics include Home page setup with header and footer, access logins and permissions, ordering, entering retail pickups, entering statistics and access agency documents.

A Microsoft TEAMS invitation will be sent to you the morning of the class.


Monday, February 17, 2025

Setting up Grantors, Grants and Grant Allocations. Session also includes how to apply grants to orders and agencies and how to establish grant restrictions.

A Microsoft TEAMS invitation will be sent to you the morning of the class.

Warehouse Management System (WMS)/Bar Coding

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A complete overview of the complete functionality of the Warehouse Management System (WMS) or commonly called Bar Coding. Topics include setting up pallets, users and permissions, receiving products, moving and adjusting inventory, picking orders, creating orders and physical inventory.

A Microsoft TEAMS invitation will be sent to you the morning of the class.

Enhancements Review

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

This session aims to cover the newest enhancements and changes made to P2 each month to offer new and better options, functionality, and processes for our valued food banks.

A Microsoft TEAMS invitation will be sent to you the morning of the class.